Real-Time online parcel tracking.If you wish to know where your Giant Logistics & Courier Services parcel is at any specific time you can check on its current shipping status by entering the parcel label number or your reference number in the field below.
The Giant Logistics & Courier Services shipment tracking system which is accessible via Tracking, and the shipment tracking data which is available from Tracking, are the property of Giant Logistics & Courier Services. Giant Logistics & Courier Services gives permission for the use of its shipment tracking system exclusively for the purpose of checking the status of shipments which you have entrusted to Giant Logistics & Courier Services for transport and delivery, or which have been entrusted to Giant Logistics & Courier Services by a third party on your behalf. Permission is not given to use the system for other purposes. Without the Giant Logistics & Courier Services written permission of Giant Logistics & Courier Services you do not have the right to make the shipment tracking data available on a website, to reproduce it elsewhere, or to distribute, copy, store, use or sell it for commercial purposes. The service which is provided is for your own personal use. As a result your right to use the Tracking shipment tracking system or the shipment tracking data cannot be assigned to another party. In the event of any breach of these conditions the access rights to Tracking can be withdrawn and the passwords / user codes may be deleted. In addition such infringements may be punished by law.
Any access to Tracking or use of the shipment tracking system / shipment tracking data which does not conform to these conditions of use takes place without permission and is strictly prohibited.
Any access to Tracking or use of the shipment tracking system / shipment tracking data which does not conform to these conditions of use takes place without permission and is strictly prohibited.